We had a great turn out of almost 20 interested citizens and stakeholders for the walking tour of Centennial Trail West on Wednesday. The group included representatives from FWP and Spring Meadow State Park, City and County staff, area businesses, and the Non-Motorized Travel Advisory Council, as well as neighbors interesting in the expansion of Centennial Trail. The group began the walk at the Joslyn/Country Club intersection and traveled west to Spring Meadow Park, making a couple detours to discuss various routes that could be developed.
The brainstorming session was positive and productive, with Spring Meadow offering to build a number of trails to connect to CT West. Neighbors were able to identify new potential routes from non-motorized travel that they've witnessed living in the area.
The need for a trail in the area is obvious by the worn path in the ditch from folks heading to Spring Meadow on Country Club Ave. A built trail would provide a safe corridor along the busy street that currently has zero non-motorized facilities. Improvements to the Country Club/Joslyn intersection would also go a long way in making the area safer for those on foot or bike, as the current situation is dangerous even for cars.
While the project is still undergoing the federal programming process, construction for this half of the trail could potentially begin next summer. Read more in this article from the IR: http://helenair.com/helena/centennial-trail-project-moving-forward/article_02ca47d4-8cff-5c6c-8b76-ed8dfa087145.html