The SAVE Foundation's AmeriCorps VISTA Transportation Expansion Project. This endeavour will improve the coordination of stakeholders around multi-modal efforts throughout the Greater Helena Area, building community capacity in a sustainable manner. This blog will document Helena's ongoing efforts to improve: public transportation, biking, walking, and other forms of safe recreational travel.
Monday, June 9, 2014
S.A.V.E. wins 1st Place for Commuter Challenge!
S.A.V.E. brought home the 1st Place award for organizations of 2-4 members during the May Commuter Challenge celebration party last week! Thanks to everyone who participated in the Challenge -- In total there were 522 active commuters who traveled 19,625.66 miles, offset 19,035.48 pounds of carbon, and burned 951,774.03 calories! Want to keep active commuting? Visit for tips to keep safe!