Friday, May 9, 2014

First Public Meeting for the Helena Area Long Range Transportation Plan

The first public meeting for the Helena Area Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) 2014 Update was held last night at the City County Building. There was a fairly good turn out, with 30-40 community members in attendance. The meeting began with a short presentation by the consultants for the LRTP on the process for writing the plan, then broke out into two separate work stations for motorized and non-motorized issues.

Some themes that emerged included issues with railroad crossings, unsafe bicycle crossings, public transit needs, and snow removal maintenance. Sidewalks, both maintenance and installation, were brought up in both the motorized and non-motorized sessions. Increasing connections into the North Valley were also discussed in both work stations.

The LRTP will be written by the end of the year, and will inform transportation decisions over the next ten years for the Helena Area. If you missed the public meeting, you can still give input by contacting the Project Manager, Jeff Key with Robert Peccia & Associates. There is also a Non-Motorized Survey being collected to gauge users of these modes. Find more information about the Plan at