Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Bike Walk Montana Summit

The Bike Walk Montana Summit took place in Billings on March 27th-29th. Participants from all over the state gathered to discuss ways to increase biking and walking in their communities, and initiatives already happening throughout Montana.

The Summit kicked off with a workshop on Bicycle-Friendly Business Districts, where we broke into groups divided by city and discussed inexpensive, relatively easy changes we could make in our area to encourage biking. The following day was a series of break-out sessions with presentations by MDT, Montana State Parks, engineers, professors, local cycling organizations, and many others. The day ended with a biking or walking (your choice) tour of the fantastic non-motorized Rim Rock Trail in Billings, with a friendly gathering at McKenzie River Pizza Co. to finish it off. Saturday continued with the break-out sessions, ending in a great presentation on two current local programs promoting community health with active transportation options.

Overall, it was very inspiring to see everyone who's working on non-motorized initiatives in Montana together in one room, and a great visual for how lifestyles are shifting. Learn more about Bike Walk Montana at

Find more pictures from the Summit on SAVE's Facebook page!