Friday, February 28, 2014

Bike Walk Montana Summit


All across Montana, momentum is building for bicycling and walking. More and more communities are building trails and individuals are turning to walking and bicycling for transportation and recreation. Medical providers are issuing prescriptions for walking as a way to address the obesity epidemic and rising health costs associated with chronic health conditions.

The annual Bike Walk Summit, “Catch the Momentum”, scheduled for March 27-29 in Billings, is an exciting opportunity for individuals all across Montana to come together and learn from others who have successfully made a difference in their community. National, state and local leaders will share how they are working to make Montana and the nation safer, more accessible and enjoyable for biking and walking.

The Summit kicks off on March 27th with a pre-conference workshop, “Bicycling Means Business” by April Economides, President of Green Octopus Consulting. This workshop will help attendees understand the economic benefits of bicycling and what it means for business. The pre-conference workshop will be followed by an opening reception Thursday evening. The conference agenda includes break-out sessions and mobile sessions on a multitude of topics including roundabouts; bicycle tourism; the impact of trails groups and partnerships; the Transportation Alternatives Program; trail maintenance plans; building active and accessible places and much more!

Other Summit highlights include: a keynote address from Mike Tooley, the Director of the Montana Department of Transportation; a presentation by national expert Gary Toth from the Project for Public Spaces; opportunities to network and fun bicycle tours of Billings’ trails.

Bike Walk Montana is a statewide nonprofit organization working to make biking and walking safe and accessible for everyone. This is being accomplished through building a coalition across Montana that will impact positive change, providing educational materials, improving legislation impacting people who want to bike and walk safely, and being a resource for people, organizations, schools and communities on bicycling and walking issues

For more information or to register for the Summit, visit, or contact Melinda Barnes at