Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Helena City Commission Accepts 5 Year Transit Development Plan

     The 5 Year Helena Transit Development Plan was officially accepted at the City Commission meeting Monday evening. Accepting the plan is not an obligation for the City to implement it’s recommendations, though it will be the guiding document for the future of HATS.
      Public Comment included the need for increased quality bus service in our community. Specifically, for those who are on “lock down” when the weekend curb-to-curb service doesn’t run and are unable to visit friends, attend appointments, and participate in community events.  The limited geographic service area was also addressed. Such as those living without bus service in the North Valley, and those who wish to access the VA at Fort Harrison for services, employment and volunteering. The “Helena Transit 4 All” project underway is exploring solutions to creating a more inclusive transit system to address these concerns.     
      The Commission recognized the valuable Public Comments, and provided additional critiques of how to make 2014 “the Year of the Bus!” A major priority was ensuring that bus service continues to serve citizens who need it most to enjoy a higher quality of life. Potentially, by limiting curb-to-curb service to those who meet national ADA criteria, and then using the dollars saved toward expanding fixed routes.  The Commission was pleased with the public process and hard work of the consultant and city staff in crafting the final document.

Check out the story about the plan on KXLH, including an interview with HATS Director Steve Larson

The final draft of the HATS Transit Development Plan may be reviewed by clicking the link below.