Wednesday, August 27, 2014

HTAC Planning Charrette for Proposed Route Change

The Helena Transportation Advisory Council (HTAC), established to make service recommendations for the Helena Area Transit Service (HATS), held a public planning charrette last week to discuss potential bus route changes. Led by consultants from Nelson Nygaard Consulting Associates, the charrette began with a Transit Planning 101 session to explain basic concepts for plotting a bus route. The meeting then broke into small groups, where participants established priorities and drew out desired bus routes onto blank maps. The groups were given a limited number of "bus hours", equaling the same number of bus hours that HATS currently operates with.

The goal of the charrette was to examine how the current resources could be used to better serve the Helena Area, and to gain public input in prioritizing the bus stops. The small groups also discussed future service improvements to be made with as new funds are raised.

The consultant plans to take this input from the charrette, along with information from the Transit Development Plan and available demographic information provided by various partners, and identify four Preferred Transit Service Improvements for HATS.

Mountain Line Bus Stop Goes Green

Missoula's public transit system, Mountain Line, partnered with local public school students to pair green transportation with green energy. The bus stop helps promote sustainable energy and recycling by illuminating recycled glass bottles with solar energy.
Read the article here:

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Informational meeting to discuss the Greater Helena Area Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) - 2014

Helena - Lewis and Clark County, the City of Helena, and the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) have initiated a community transportation planning process to update their existing Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP).  The Plan provides a blueprint for guiding transportation infrastructure investments based on identified needs.  The second of three informational meetings will be held on Wednesday, September 3, 2014 at the West Valley Fire Station, 1151 Forestvale Road. The meeting will begin with a presentation at 6:00 p.m., followed by a question and answer period. Time for informal discussions with the project team will be available after the conclusion of the question and answer period.

The purpose of the meeting is to review the transportation system issues and areas of concern, and to ensure that all of the major transportation problems have been identified and included in the analysis. A summary of the existing and projected transportation system conditions will be presented. This is an important opportunity to learn about the LRTP Update and to express your thoughts on existing and future transportation conditions in the Greater Helena area.

The LRTP is intended to facilitate community goals and improve the transportation infrastructure and services within the Greater Helena area to meet the needs of existing and future demands.   

Participation is a very important part of the process, and citizens are encouraged to attend the meeting and participate.  Opinion, comments and concerns may be submitted in writing at the meeting, by mail to Jeff Key, Project Manager, Robert Peccia and Associates, PO Box 5653, Helena, MT. 59604, or by email to
Please indicate comments are for the Greater Helena Area LRTP.  RPA and the project partners will collect and consider all comments to better understand the potential transportation system issues and concerns within the Greater Helena area.

Future announcements will be made prior to all events through the local media and the LRTP mailing list.  Interested parties are encouraged to join the study mailing list by submitting their name and contact information to Jeff Key at

A website has been developed and can be accessed at:


or, visit the project’s Facebook page at:

Lewis and Clark County, the City of Helena, MDT and RPA attempt to provide accommodations for any known disability that may interfere with a person participating in this meeting.  Alternative accessible formats of information presented at the meeting can be provided upon request.   Accommodation requests are encouraged at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.  For further information, call (406) 447-5000 or (406) 447-8099.